My Life Goals¶
Last updated 2025-03-05
Or alternatively titled "Things To Do Before I Die".
There's some cross-referencing among the items, so I've added labels in boldface and/or dependencies (dep) in parentheses where necessary.
Learn bass(bass) (playing bass right now)- Get enough vocal training to not sound terrible
Learn basic music theoryat least I know what major chords areRecord a songI made plenty of music and published them- Start playing drums again (drum)
- Join a rock band as bassist (dep: bass) or drummer (dep: drum)
Go to a twenty øne piløts concert (dep: umich)AAAAAAAA clanky tour my life is completeBuy Trench (2018) on CD or cassetteI bought a CD!Go to an IDKHOW concert (dep: umich)Checked as of 2024-04-05- Go to a MCR concert (dep: umich)
Go to a Green Day concert (dep: umich)Saviors Tour Detroit, 2024-09-04- Learn to properly rap the entirety of Car Radio
- Learn to play Jesus Of Suburbia on bass
- Learn to play Paranoid Android on bass
Get more stickers(three times now)Get a few figurines or little artifacts on my desktopPainted a figurine of my fursona- Get a hammer and a sickle to put on my wall
Commission an artistI have my first commission of my life by Nelson Lopez- Have something signed by, or take a photo with an artist I know
- Make a furry comic
- Get a bachelor's degree in ECE
Get offer from UMich(umich)- Get a bachelor's in CE at UMich
- Get a master's
- Publish a paper of some sort somewhere and snail mail my friends signed copies of it
Become head of tech dep't of student unionI made it through one year of tenureBecome TA of Intro to Comp EngrI got the job and made it through the semester!
Get access to a machine shopThere is one in uniUse the latheUse milling machineUse electric drillLearn to make PCBs like a professional (pro-pcb, dep: reflow)(I took EECS 473 so technically I get to check this off)- Get an oscilloscope
Learn to use an oscilloscopeLearn reflow soldering (reflow)Check out Reflow WorkshopHost a reflow soldering workshop (dep: reflow)(It's finally over)Try more embedded development(Took EECS 373 which was a massive pain and I'm not remotely proud of what we made but technically I get to check this off)- Get a PinePhone Pro and hack it
- This is gonna sound like an sponsorship but it's not. Get
Pinecil, PineTab, PinePower, PineNote and PineBuds - Make a submarine. Around 2 liters in volume, uncrewed (obviously)
- Make my kid(s) a custom calculator to avoid those lame Casios, assuming they'd still use those for math 20 years later (calc, dep: kid, pro-pcb)
- Go to my high school machine shop and help out my engineering teacher and his FRC team
- Learn to make better 3D models
- Learn to operate a 3D printer
- Design a PCB namecard that is functional in at least one way
- Document development of a project in a video
- Use the V-USB library somewhere
- Make a portable electronic musical instrument
- Make a computer keyboard do something else while looking the same
Use an e-ink screen in a project, probably the custom calculatorI used it in the Live Caption Badge- Make an elliptical reflector dish
Write some assemblywrote some for EECS 370Try an ARM SBCI just realized I have a Raspberry PiTry writing STM32 Cdid some of this for EECS 373. The code style ST uses is terrible (2 spaces, line break before curly brace,CamelAndSnake_Case
, uppercase function names)Try a RISC-V SBCGot a LicheeRV Nano from a friendMake a weird-looking USB flash driveI made one out of a covid rapid test boxGive someone something handmade as a giftI gave a blobcat PCB to my friendUse an Espressif SoC on a PCBI soldered a ESP32-S3-WROOM on the Live Caption Badge- Make something that is not, but looks like an electrolytic capacitor
- DIY a desktop computer, which conceivably will run Arch Linux and KDE
- Get a proper OpenWRT router at home
- Configure neovim "just the way I want" and not change it in one year
- Get a secondhand ThinkPad T420
- Visit Köln (Cologne)
- Visit the Netherlands
- Visit Shenzhen
- Visit Taipei
- Go to the beach
- Attend a furry convention
- Attend another convention of any kind
- Learn CW (a.k.a. morse code)
Get a ham radio license and buy a handheld stationDE BH4FXW 73 sent from my UV-5RGet an FCC ham radio license as wellKE8ZVB- Eliminate as much meat as possible from diet
- Declare myself expert in at least one thing
- Own a cat (probably two)
- Read all books by Karl Marx
- Get a semi-professional filming rig with a greenscreen and stuff
- Have one or more kids (kid)
Get my own credit card(at least it's got my name on it)- Install solar panels somewhere
- Seek revenge on that one roommate whose gaming noise keeps me up at night
- Drink tiny amount of vodka
- Participate in a protest, verbal or physical
- Host a technical talk on a conference
- Steer employer (if any) into FOSS'ing a software project
- Co-author an IETF RFC
- Get a tiny tattoo
- Restuff my blåhaj
- Flip off a conservative
- Do standup comedy at an open mic night