Fall 2024 Course Review: EECS 473¶
Course Title: Advanced Embedded Systems
Rating: 4/5
Instructors (Mark Brehob, Matthew Smith, James Carl)¶
I commented on Mark in the first semester, regarding EECS 370. He hasn't changed. I have. I've been working on my social aptitude and interacting more on lectures. I also drop by his office hour a lot more frequently than I used to, often to discuss our project.
Matt worked with Robert Dick on 373 last semester. I had less interaction with him than in 373. I spent a lot more time with our GSIs though.
James Carl was recently hired to replace Matt once he retires. He has some pretty good debugging ideas.
Course topics¶
These are topics of significance in my opinion:
- Interface
- The Arduino library is an interface
- RTOS (real-time operating system)
- Task scheduling
- Semaphores
- Copyright and copyleft
- Fair use
- Linux
- "Everything is a file"
- Device drivers
- Kernel modules
- Making of PCB
- Power integrity
- Bypass capacitors and frequencies they can handle
- Batteries
- Choosing a chemistry
- Estimating battery life
- Voltage regulator
- LDO (linear regulator)
- Switching regulator
- "Specialized computing"
- Fixed point arithmetic
- Common DSP algos
- Wireless
- Hamming code
- Keying (ASK, FSK, etc)
- Shannon's limit
- Antenna range
There are five labs in total, but I was exempt from the last one because I knew how to design PCBs already. The labs are super high workload and never once did my teammate and I finish them within the three hours of lab time. We always worked overtime, sometimes on Saturday.
I'm relieved that we aren't using STM32CubeIDE or dealing with their horrid code style anymore.
When I enrolled in the course, I thought the goal of the project was to create the best PCB. It was not. Instead, what we were supposed to create is a product — with a use case and a market. It's OK if the PCB is full of bodges. Just make it work.
Teams of 4-5. Budget is $200 / person. I'm in a team of 4. Our project is the Live Caption Badge. Taken from project report:
What we made was the Live Caption Badge. At the CoE Design Expo, we demonstrated the device by inviting visitors to wear the badge and talk with us. With the press of a button, the visitor can hear our voice, and we can hear theirs. We also showed the visitor that their speech was transcribed live on the screen.
The goal of our project is to improve communication in noisy environments, such as convention halls, for hearing-impaired individuals and non-native speakers. Our solution is a live caption badge that records and uploads speech to a server running a transcription API. The badge then displays the text on an e-paper screen. Badges can form a talkgroup, where users can hear each other’s speech.
I will now expand on the subsystems, discuss the work I was involved in, and the manmade horrors beyond comprehension.
When I brought this idea to Mark, he was skeptical, especially about the epaper. He thought epaper was slow, but he didn't know the model we picked (Waveshare 7.5-inch) supports partial refreshes, which is a feature where a rectangular area gets refreshed in only 0.5 seconds. He still was not fully convinced, but we went with the epaper anyway because (1) it's readable from a wide angle and (2) it's cool and we have the budget.
Waveshare published driver code, which worked as long as you're super
careful with it. For example, there's a function for partial refreshes,
which takes an xStart
variable among others. What's implied, and kinda
obvious in hindsight, is that xStart
must be a multiple of 8, because
each byte is 8 pixels. However, there was nothing in the documentation.
When I passed an illegal value, it didn't even warn me. It's not a great
software interface.
I also spotted a data underflow error. They did something like size_t
s = (x % 256) - 1
, which might underflow to (size_t)(-1)
if x % 256 ==
. It should have been (x - 1) % 256
The coding style is so inconsistent that I didn't even bother fixing it.
When I was designing the PCB (I started late and missed the deadline, whoops) I realized there was no time to design the driver circuit for the epaper. So I asked Mark if we could just piggy back the breakout board on our PCB and he reluctantly said OK.
I actually had three plans to make it work. You'll notice a row of 2.54 mm headers and an unmounted clikmate footprint underneath. One of them needs to be wired to the breakout board. It can be jumper wires plugged to the 2.54, or stripped wires soldered to the 2.54, or specialized cables into the clikmate.
The breakout board has a clikmate connector, and is shipped along with
a clikmate-to-2.54 mm cable. These work directly with this board above.
I looked for clikmate-to-clikmate cables online in hope for a tidier
wiring, but they don't sell 9-circuit cables anywhere. It goes from 1 to
8, then directly to 10. Where'd Waveshare even get these??
In November I was feeling ambitious, so I decided for another spin of the PCB, this time with the epaper circuit in-house. I left out the 2.54 mm headers, assuming the FPC connector would work. Problem? It didn't work. Reason? No fucking idea.
I tried probing continuity, but when the ribbon cable is fully inserted there wasn't any exposed metal. It was days until design expo, so I quit the struggle (correct decision). I just stripped the wires and soldered them directly to the ESP32.
These wires annoy me. They haunt me even after the semester ended and I got my final grades. I must eradicate their existence from the surface of the Earth.
One day I was at MESH, and I looked up my LCSC shopping log. And there stood what I had sought:
They're supposed to be top contacts.
Shaking my head, I ordered a bunch of top contact FPC connectors from Mouser. They worked.
When the project began I was fearless. GSIs and James had proposed that we use an I2S microphone module instead, but I, being arrogant, insisted that we use an off-the-shelf customer service headset and plug it into the board via a 3.5 mm jack. Design-wise, I made the right choice because a 3.5 mm is highly compatible. However, the connector caused me a ridiculous amount of pain.
This is a TRRS (tip-ring-ring-sleeve) audio connector. The datasheet just made no sense to me. I never touched an audio connector in the unsoldered form, so I don't know which ring goes where. Specifically, I assumed the pad labeled 1 on the top right was the tip, because it was the farthest away from the hole. I found a similar footprint in the KiCad library, which I modified so that pin 1 is the tip.
To get the audio, we used an ADC chip (ES7210), which was picking up a really weak signal amongst the noise. After ruling out soldering issues, for days I suspected that the ADC has an inadequate input impedance. I did calculations I learned in 311. I even considered a buffer opamp.
I brought the question to Mark. He wasn't too fond of what I proposed, and instead propose that I try different resistor values on the drain of the electret mic. I went back to the lab to try it out.
Probing the connector with a multimeter in continuity mode wasn't helpful, because I didn't have an aux cable with all four contacts. Oddly, probing two of the pads sometimes make the multimeter beep, which I didn't think too much until I saw something cursed.
I reenacted the PCB circuit upon the headset jack, bypassing the connector. It worked.
▲ Valid, totally not shoddy testing rig
Conslusion? The KiCad footprint was right. I was wrong. Pin 1 was the
Because of the wrong pinout, what it ended up sampling was a headphone coil, which was picking up sound but terribly. If there wasn't audio at all, I might have come to the conclusion sooner. The beeping from the multimeter was because the headphone coils were 32 ohms, lower than the threshold of what makes a "short". If I had probed in ohm mode, I could have known sooner.
The discovery both relieved me and disappointed me. I knew I wasn't smart enough to make mistakes involving input impedance. I felt like a clown.
Hot fix: I unsoldered it and bodged some wires and lived with it until Rev 2.
Lesson: always check pinout before proceeding with any troubleshooting that requires a brain.
I put three connectors on the PCB (other than 2.54 mm headers). Every single one of them had some sort of issue.
I talked about the audio connector. I talked about the FPC connector. I also made a mistake with the USB connector. You see, in an attempt to be "hip", I insisted on USB-C, and bought some from Mouser. The problem was, I missed something on the datasheet again. The area where the metal casing goes is not just a keepout — it's a physical notch in the board cutout. So in Rev 1 we had to use an FTDI dongle connected to the UART headers via jumper wires. Every time we had to flash firmware, we had to:
- Hold Reset and Flash buttons
- Release Reset
- Release Flash
idf.py build flash monitor
(aliased asbfm
)- Press Reset
In Rev 2, the USB worked on the board my teammate Angel soldered but not on mine. In a fit of rage (in my defense I was tired) I ripped the connector off, which did permanent damage to the copper traces, so we had to keep using FTDI on my board.
Both of my friends who work in embedded agree that connectors are the worst.
This PCB is special to me. It is the first time I designed a PCB so large (Rev 2 is 170×105 mm, although most of it is empty, which did leave space for me to sneak in some artwork).
The board was my first time doing 4-layer. (Middle layers are just 3.3V and GND.) James advised me to do so because he feared the signal lines dragging across the PCB would pick up interference.
It's also the first time I ordered a stencil for my own design. It's also the first time I used an ESP32 that's not on a DevKit.
The size, layers, and stencil combined made PCBs real expensive.
- Rev 1
- PCB: $42.61
- Stencil: $7.11
- Shipping: $42.15
- Discount: -$10.00
- Tax: $4.92
- Total: $86.79
- Rev 2
- PCB: $43.41
- Stencil: $7.11
- Shipping: $33.28
- Tax: $4.67
- Total: $82.47
The shipping skyrocketed (basically doubled) once we ordered the stencils. In total we spent ~$169 on PCBs, or 21% of our budget.
We spent $225.50 on stuff that go on PCBs, 28% of our budget.
The DAC and ADC audio chips are QFNs with 0.4 mm pitch, the finest I've ever soldered.
The three buttons are surprisingly tactile. They're really snappy. Worth every penny.
I left a bunch of easter eggs on the PCB.
▲ Inspired by the Eurofurence 28 badge.
▲ Q1 is an N-channel MOSFET.
▲ This is Rev 2.
▲ It's 68 µF.
▲ Rev 1 was just the original Yippee creature, but Rev 2 has cat ears and a tail
3D printing¶
My teammate Kyle did the 3D modeling and printing all by himself. He has a Bamboo at home. He printed two versions for the two PCB revisions, two pieces each. They're actually really well-made. Like, from a distance you can't even tell they were 3D printed.
Since the FPC didn't work, there had to be a breakout board. Instead of going on the PCB as I had intended (it didn't have enough horizontal clearance for the big row of headers on the other side I'm not willing to remove), it was mounted on a 3D printed piece with M3's, between the epaper and the PCB. However, only the case designed for Rev 1 had that. So, we used the Rev 2 PCB with the Rev 1 case, which is a couple centimeters thicker. No one cared.
The case was black, red and white, with some serious NES vibes. Its hefty build also reminded me of lead-acid batteries.
The 3D printed case is a huge, I repeat, HUUUGE part of our success. It
really made our project look like a product, even when it's just sitting
there. It attracted many people on the design expo, and even though it
wasn't central to the course, we got more questions about the case than
the PCB, because you can see that. We're so lucky to have Kyle.
We had a choice between Arduino and ESP-IDF, and we were forced into the latter because the audio library on Arduino wasn't working.
Writing an application with ESP-IDF is so. Horrible. How does anyone build an entire application with ESP-IDF without losing their mind?
Everything is manual. Everything. The audio library on ESP-IDF is ESP-ADF, which emulates audio pipelines, which I'm familiar with (playing with Ardour and Pipewire and stuff). It's a neat idea and it works, but our code is a mess. An excerpt (source):
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Create ADC i2s stream");
i2s_stream_cfg_t adc_i2s_cfg = I2S_STREAM_CFG_DEFAULT_WITH_TYLE_AND_CH(
adc_i2s_cfg.type = AUDIO_STREAM_READER;
adc_i2s_cfg.out_rb_size = 64 * 1024;
adc_i2s = i2s_stream_init(&adc_i2s_cfg);
i2s_stream_set_clk(adc_i2s, AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, AUDIO_BITS, AUDIO_CHANNELS);
audio_pipeline_register(tx_pipeline, adc_i2s, "adc");
All this just to create an I2S reader. It's not even in the pipeline yet.
The rest of our code was also visually redundant and mostly unreadable, full of hacks.
I once wanted to try writing an application with ESP-IDF. Now that I've done that, I would never try that again unless absolutely necessary.
We were on a sprint in the last two days. Probably half of the visible side of the software (user interaction, on-screen UI, etc.) was finished in these two days. We sat in the lab, hour after hour, flashing and testing firmware roughly every five minutes. It was soul-crushing. I put on album after album, mainly twenty one pilots and Radiohead.
My teammate, Rain, suggested we add a feature where we could change the username on the badge over HTTP, without having to reflash the badge. I was reluctant at first, saying "it isn't a core feature", but he insisted. Well, he was absolutely right.
It turns out, being handed a thing with your name on it feels different than one without. On design expo day, multiple people agreed to have their name put on it once we gave them the option, and some of them even took photos!
How do we do the HTTP, you ask? Well, we exposed a couple HTTP endpoints on the ESP32 and wrote a Python script on my laptop to issue a request once asked to. We opened a CSV file in LibreOffice Calc called the "Dashboard", and the Python script read from that. It was literally written the night before design expo.
(The HTTP endpoints also included /poke
, /unpoke
, and /reboot
They're hacks. Don't ask.)
Vosk server¶
Another Python script running on my laptop is the server, in charge of
transcribing text and streaming audio. It's super hacky as well. It's
adapted from some ESP-IDF example code, and it was built on the super
low-level BaseHTTPRequestHandler instead of something for humans, like
Flask or FastAPI. It did allow us to commit many crimes.
The text transcription was done using Vosk, which I never heard of until Rain brought it up as an alternative to Google Cloud, which had been planning to use. Vosk had an advantage of being offline. It's just a pre-trained model.
The badge-to-badge audio streamed through the server as well, which we honestly didn't want. Ideally the audio could just go from an ESP32 to another, without the laptop detour doubling latency. However, it was impossible.
With our current networking stack (HTTP over Wi-Fi), if an ESP32 were to transmit audio to another, the former has to be a client, and the latter has to be a server. However, the ESP-IDF HTTP server does not support chunked reads. Streaming audio is thus impossible without patching the library itself, or hacks that violate the ESP-ADF abstraction.
Oh yeah and we can't really stream audio via Bluetooth (A2DP) because we bought ESP32-S3's, which don't support classic Bluetooth, only BLE.
The data:
- E-Paper: $195.33
- PCB Parts: $162.1015
- PCBs & Stencils: $94.24
- DevKits: $72.00
- Headphones: $44.93
- Misc: $73.73
- Tax: $40.18
- Shipping: $91.93
Total: $774.44 (96.8% of budget)
Notable wastes of money:
- The first ESP32 DevKit (LyraT): mic didn't work.
- The bottom-contact FPC connectors.
Rant: Our second ESP32 DevKit (Korvo-2) worked, but it didn't have a headphone connector, only a speaker connector which wasn't 2.54 mm. Everytime I needed to hear the output, I had to poke jumper wires into that awkward connector hoping I didn't short anything.
This doesn't go on the budget, but about a week before design expo I was forced to re-activate Amazon Prime (eww) to buy some lanyards and headphones because no one else ships over Thanksgiving. I canceled it today.
Design expo¶
The instructors required "shirt and tie or equivalent", but I didn't have a tie and a couple teammates neither. So we all just did casual. No one fucking cared.
We set up the poster and waited for people to pay attention. We had two badges. I wore one and offered the other to anyone interested. It was pretty effective.
One person who goes by Michael stopped by and complimented our poster design, saying we did a good job keeping the information density low, and we picked a good font (Fira Code, which was the font we printed on the epaper).
He worked in a Japanese-American company or something, and remarked that our product had potential for communication if we had a translation feature. He mentioned that interpreters at his company needed to translate not only what was said, but also how it's said — for example, if a Japanese executive yells at an American executive in Japanese, the interpreter has to yell again in English.
I found this amusing and replied that, precisely because of this, machines will never replace humans in communication.
Before the four-hour-long design expo, I had predicted I would either die of fatigue, or of boredom. It wasn't too bad, and in the last hour it was closer to the latter. I was almost always there. We consumed a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.
A total of four (4) furries showed up, and I totally did not hand out my new stickers in a paper bag like some kind of drug dealer.
I'm going to spare you from all the pain. Just know that it was Mark's favorite report ("so far"). He also liked the Haiku I sneaked in the "Lessons Learned" section. It was really validating.
The full thing:
I am glad that we scheduled a weekly meeting early on. It enabled us to check in each other’s progress (or lack thereof). Another correct decision is to collaborate on our own branches on GitHub.
The reason why I fell behind on the PCB schedule was that we didn’t know what we wanted. We had never agreed on the specifics, e.g. where do the buttons go. Audio circuitry was also a whole new experience for me. As I sat in the Fishbowl 24 hours before deadline staring at datasheets, I felt the pressure that one wrong trace will doom our project.
As it turned out, I had not one, but five wrong traces, four of which being the headphone jack. Sometimes my own stupidity surprises me. A continuity test with an aux cord would have saved me from days of confusion.
However, I must
Learn from my mistakes and try
To let go of them
And this is the end of the project. I have to stop writing it. This
article is getting close to 4K words…
Now, onto closing remarks.
Arduino is good, actually: a reflection on software interfaces¶
I once hated Arduino. I thought it "wasn't real embedded systems", merely
a playground for those who lack the intellect to peruse the MMIO registers
on a datasheet. There was a time I avoided using it, even on Arduino
hardware itself, fearing its "overhead" would impede the efficiency of my
code. I would write firmware that, instead of a digitalWrite
, did stuff
like PORTC |= _BV(2)
. The 373 curriculum reinforced my
affinity to bare-metal.
However, I was mistaken. Using Arduino doesn't make you less of an embedded systems engineer. I know people who have been working as a professional for years, and still prefer Arduino for personal projects. This is because it's such a popular interface, so popular that basically every tutorial was written for it, in stark contrast to ESP-IDF, which was only ever discussed on the official ESP32 forum.
A software interface keeps ugly code to itself and presents clean function prototypes to the user. The user just needs to be aware of a few things, like thread safety. Most of the time the user just does stuff, and nothing goes wrong. The interface does error checking internally to maintain invariants.
A mistake I made when designing the epaper interface was to expose
a FreeRTOS QueueHandle_t
. Now, my excuse was we were running out of
time. But over the winter break I've been working on Phase II of the
Badge, rewriting the firmware in C++ on PlatformIO + Arduino (without the
audio part). When writing C++, I consider FreeRTOS code "ugly", and hide
them inside class methods whenever possible.
At this point I'm on the other extreme: To avoid handling raw pointers,
I've been using the STL as much as I can, and my code looks nothing like
embedded code. It's full of std::unique_ptr
s and std::istream
s. It's
almost like desktop code. But hey, I've got megabytes of PSRAM and
megabytes of Flash. I can afford some tiny efficiency loss for more memory
safety. At least I don't need to free
a pointer in every early return
All that said: 473 is definitely better than 373. Considering this is my capstone, I'm even proud of it.
Four seventy-three
Will never defeat me in
A way that matters