These words only appear in one twenty øne piløts song

All words (1132)

Word Album Track Line(s)
'17 Clancy Snap Back Running from a thing, that I kicked in '17
'92 Single Christmas Saves The Year This one's marked '92, yeah
153 Trench Smithereens I would get messed up, weigh 153
270 Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Ride around 270 in Kawasaki tees
accidentally Clancy Backslide Accidentally uncovered a new one yesterday
accusations Vessel The Run And Go Cold nights under siege from accusations
actin' Clancy Overcompensate Actin' gobsmacked, don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate
action Trench Neon Gravestones Our words are loud, but now I'm talking action
adaptation Clancy Snap Back It's a new adaptation
addict Self-Titled Addict With A Pen As an addict with a pen
addicted Self-Titled Addict With A Pen Who's addicted to the wind
adidas Clancy Overcompensate Three hundred tracks in my Adidas track jacket
adjust Clancy Oldies Station You start to feel your eyes adjust
adversary Blurryface Polarize Wanted to be a better adversary to the evil I have done
afternoon Scaled And Icy Saturday Medicate in the afternoon
age Trench Neon Gravestones Find your grandparents or someone of age
aggression Trench Neon Gravestones To use this mistake as a form of aggression?
agree Clancy Vignette To pitch the greener grasses and hope that she would agree
agreement Scaled And Icy No Chances They say they sell the information in those terms of agreement
ahead Self-Titled Implicit Demand For Proof Go ahead and make me look away
Go ahead and show me
aid Clancy Paladin Strait Just a glimpse of visual aid
aim Self-Titled Fall Away Take aim to obtain a new name
alter Self-Titled Trapdoor Throws on a mask that will alter his face
ambition Self-Titled Fall Away Every time I feel selfish ambition
amenities Scaled And Icy Bounce Man Just let me know you're good on your amenities
ammunition Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands We've turned our hands to guns, trade in our thumbs for ammunition
amount Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Same amount that I denied, I three-time MVP'd this crime
androgynous Clancy Lavish Keep it cool, keep the mood androgynous
angry Clancy Paladin Strait Endless row of angry waves
anonymous Clancy Lavish So tell your friends at follow bots anonymous
anticipate Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep And the trees they await and clouds anticipate
anxiety Blurryface Doubt Fear might be the death of me, fear leads to anxiety
anxiousness Clancy Next Semester Can you die of anxiousness
anybody Trench Morph Anybody listening? ones and zeroes
anyway Trench Cut My Lip Rust around the rim, drink it anyway
anywhere Clancy Backslide Leading me anywhere
appear Single Time To Say Goodbye In the mirror you appear to see fear and whisper this is it
In the mirror you appear to see nothing else
approach Clancy Snap Back Guess I better move to a fresher approach
armor Blurryface Tear In My Heart My heart is my armor
arms Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep And the trees wave their arms and the clouds try to plead
arrival Regional at Best Ruby But with your great arrival that shade has turned to red
arrive Scaled And Icy No Chances We see when you arrive, ride or die my son
artistic Regional at Best Kitchen Sink And I tried to come up with an artistic way to say
ashes Single Christmas Saves The Year Ashes fall in the sea
assemble Vessel Migraine I begin to assemble what weapons I can find
assisted Trench Neon Gravestones It's with the people we praise who may have assisted
assured Single Christmas Saves The Year You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
asylum Trench Neon Gravestones Underneath the insane asylum
attempt Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Just another attempt to make the voices stop
await Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep And the trees they await and clouds anticipate
awareness Trench Neon Gravestones The rise in awareness
badder Regional at Best Kitchen Sink The better the rhythm the badder I am but I bet I'll battle with 'em battle
bands Scaled And Icy Bounce Man Float you a couple bands, then you head to Mexico
bang Trench Neon Gravestones I could go out with a bang
banner Trench Neon Gravestones We give them the highest of praise, and hang their banner from a ceiling
bass Clancy Backslide Bad place on a hundred dollar bass
bathed Trench Pet Cheetah I've raised him, and bathed him
behaviour Regional at Best Kitchen Sink My bad behaviour but I bet I could have been a better man
belief Trench Morph For "above" is blind belief and "under" is sword to sleeve
believer Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty sleeper
Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty weeper
bells Scaled And Icy Redecorate With the bells and the whistles scaled back
belong Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You You belong to me
benefit Clancy Backslide Benefit from a shoe with no lace
bike Regional at Best Slowtown Would get together, I'd ride my bike and my brother would ride his
binger Clancy Vignette Fresh off a binger in the woods, flesh covered in bites
birth Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds We find our worth in giving birth and stuff
black Blurryface Fairly Local Yo, you, bulletproof in black like a funeral
blacklisted Clancy Snap Back Blacklisted from forgiveness
blame Self-Titled Johnny Boy But they lie when they blame it on the times
Oh, we blame it on the times
They blame it on the time
When they say that they blame it on the times
blasphemy Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Think things on the brink of blasphemy
blatant Self-Titled Trapdoor As you watch him fall through a blatant trapdoor
bless Clancy Overcompensate Bless your ear holes while you react
bliss Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street Keep your bliss
Keep your bliss, there's nothing wrong with this
block Vessel Migraine I do not have writer's block
blue Clancy Midwest Indigo It's a different blue, it's deeper than it's been
blurring Clancy Routines In The Night Reoccurring, days blurring
blurry Blurryface Goner I've got two faces, blurry's the one I'm not
blurryface Blurryface Stressed Out My name's Blurryface and I care what you think
bold Regional at Best Slowtown So bold and fearless in the risks we take
bolder Scaled And Icy Choker You get taller, bolder, stronger and the rearview only blinds you
bomb Trench My Blood I'll bomb down on 'em, I'm comin' through
boost Trench Neon Gravestones I could give up, and boost up my reputation
bored Scaled And Icy The Outside I'm already bored
bots Clancy Lavish So tell your friends at follow bots anonymous
bottom Trench Neon Gravestones Well, I want you to follow me down to the bottom
bottomless Clancy Lavish Got both hands on your shoulder while you're bottomless
bound Clancy Oldies Station Start a streak you're bound to break
bourbaki Trench Morph He'll always try to stop me, that Nicolas Bourbaki
bow Clancy Overcompensate You bow to the masses
breathless Self-Titled Taxi Cab A breathless piece of death I've made for you
brewing Vessel Fake You Out I'm brewing and losing and spewing and fusing
bricks Single Time To Say Goodbye To you but I built this tower out of mortal bricks, they're breaking
brink Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Empathy might be on the brink of extinction
Think things on the brink of blasphemy
bruised Trench Cut My Lip Though I am bruised, face of contusions
brushed Clancy Backslide What happened to what I brushed under the rug
buckled Self-Titled A Car, A Torch, A Death You reached in the back and buckled up your heart
bulbs Blurryface The Judge I forgot about the drought of light bulbs in this house
bulletproof Blurryface Fairly Local Yo, you, bulletproof in black like a funeral
bum Vessel House Of Gold I will plan to be a bum
bump Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You It ain't the speakers that bump hearts
bunch Clancy Vignette Hounded by a bunch of dead when the search party found him
bunker Single Level Of Concern In my bunker underneath the surface
buried Scaled And Icy Choker Like a little splinter buried in your skin
burnt-down Vessel Migraine A difficult beast feasting on burnt-down trees
bust Single Heathens And now they're outside ready to bust
butcher Blurryface Tear In My Heart She's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther
buzz Scaled And Icy Good Day Is a buzz and a light, I'll be singing out
cab Self-Titled Taxi Cab A beautifully plain taxi cab
A cab, had it cleared out back and two men started to unpack
And checked his watch and grabbed a cab
calm Trench Smithereens I've always been collected, calm and chill
cancelled Clancy Midwest Indigo I requested counsel with the counselor and he cancelled twice
candle Blurryface Stressed Out I'd make a candle out of it if I ever found it
capacity Clancy Oldies Station Found your capacity for love and tragedy
capri Clancy Lavish Sip a Capri Sun like it's Dom Perignon
capture Regional at Best Ruby For you to walk my way, your soul will capture me
cards Regional at Best Slowtown Put cards in our spokes and make our engine sound like traffic
When using Pokémon cards, please do not use the holographics
careless Trench Nico And The Niners East is up, I'm careless when I wear my rebel clothes
carnation Trench Chlorine Rebel red carnation
carve Scaled And Icy Choker Someone else can carve it out but when you've got the pin
carver Blurryface Tear In My Heart She's the tear in my heart, she's a carver
catastrophe Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Think things are after me, my catastrophe
catcher Self-Titled Air Catcher But you've stolen my air catcher and I don't know if I want it back
You've stolen my air catcher that kept me safe and sound
cater Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears
cavalry Blurryface Lane Boy You're gonna feel the heat of my cavalry
cave Clancy Vignette Tunnels cave, visions fade, swallowed by the vignette
celebrated Trench Neon Gravestones Now, that should be celebrated
celebration Trench Neon Gravestones They would host and post a celebration
cell Vessel Fake You Out They feel they have no control of their prisoner's cell
cement Blurryface Tear In My Heart For not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement
cerebral Vessel The Run And Go Cerebral thunder in one-way conversations
chains Clancy The Craving (Jenna's Version) If I found my body in chains
champion Clancy Backslide I used to be the champion of a world you can't see
chant Self-Titled March To The Sea And the emotionless marchers will chant the phrase:
charge Scaled And Icy The Outside You can pay the cover charge, I'm in the street
cheap Single Christmas Saves The Year With cheap decor and flavored cheer
cheer Single Christmas Saves The Year With cheap decor and flavored cheer
cheetah Trench Pet Cheetah I've got a pet cheetah down in my basement
Now my pet cheetah's quicker in the studio than on his feet
Pet cheetah, cheetah
chemical Trench Chlorine I'm just a chemical
This beat is a chemical, beat is a chemical
child Scaled And Icy Good Day Lost my job, my wife and child
chin Vessel Migraine They're trying to eat me, blood running down their chin
chivalry Regional at Best Clear It takes some chivalry and well placed energy
chlorine Trench Chlorine Sippin' on straight chlorine
Sippin' on straight chlorine, let the vibe slide over me
choker Scaled And Icy Choker I was born a choker
choose Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio And from the two that we choose to do
christmas Single Christmas Saves The Year You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
chronologically Scaled And Icy Redecorate Seein' snapshots chronologically inline
circumstance Scaled And Icy Choker Alone, you're gonna change my circumstance
Chokin' on the circumstance
clancy Clancy Overcompensate If you can't see, I am Clancy
classes Clancy Overcompensate For passin' the classes
classic Trench Legend You were one of those classic ones
You were one of those classic ones, yeah
claw Blurryface Doubt Gnawing on the bishops, claw our way up their system
clever Regional at Best Clear But it takes a clever guy to do what I do
cleverly Regional at Best Clear Yelling on the street corner or cleverly masking your words
climax Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds Now is the climax to the story
clock Vessel Migraine My writer just hates the clock
closer Single Time To Say Goodbye I never felt closer to you
closest Vessel Fake You Out You say that you are close, is close the closest star?
club Scaled And Icy The Outside One by one, take a hit, join the club
co-sign Scaled And Icy Choker I see no volunteers to co-sign on my fears
coat Trench Chlorine Hide you in my coat pocket, where I kept my rebel red
cobwebs Regional at Best Lovely Cobwebs and flies come out
Flies and cobwebs unwind
cogs Scaled And Icy The Outside I am Megatron, cogs I'm stepping on
Then the little cogs got together, start a renaissance
colors Regional at Best Be Concerned That a test to fly requires I pass the test with colors flying
comfortability Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds While we repeat the same routine as we will please comfortability
comfortably Clancy Lavish Room on the payroll, everyone can live comfortably
commandeered Clancy Snap Back I commandeered a hot ride
comment Blurryface Message Man Life is up here, but you comment below
comments Blurryface Message Man And the comments will always become common motivation to promote
commission Self-Titled Fall Away Repentance is taking commission
committed Vessel Fake You Out I have committed
company Clancy Routines In The Night It's tough to find good company
Just keep me company
compensates Trench Levitate You're the worst, your structure compensates
compensation Trench Levitate But compensation feels a lot like rising up to dominate by track two
complex Clancy Lavish Big flex, complex, Napoleon
conceal Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Bout you sleeping so close to a weapon you conceal, man
concentrate Clancy Midwest Indigo Concentrate on the little gap in the ice
concert Trench Nico And The Niners And start a concert
condition Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands I must forewarn you of my disorder, or my condition
confined Trench Chlorine I plan my escape from walls they confined
conflict Trench Smithereens I never look for conflict for the thrill
confrontation Blurryface Lane Boy I'm in constant confrontation with what I want and what is poppin'
confused Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands Simply suggest my chest and this confused music
confusion Scaled And Icy Never Take It Why cure disease of confusion
conscience Self-Titled Fall Away Feel my conscience wearing thin
consists Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio One thing consists of consistence
constant Blurryface Lane Boy I'm in constant confrontation with what I want and what is poppin'
contained Trench Bandito In city, I feel my spirit is contained
contents Vessel Migraine And now it is a door that holds back contents
That make Pandora's box's contents look non-violent
contest Self-Titled Air Catcher I think you could beat the moon in a pretty contest
continue Clancy Oldies Station But they say they continue to grow
contradiction Blurryface Not Today Listen, I know this one's a contradiction because of how happy it sounds
contrived Self-Titled Taxi Cab And the driver inside it contrived a new route to save the past
contusions Trench Cut My Lip Though I am bruised, face of contusions
convenient Trench Neon Gravestones My opinion, it's real convenient
conversate Vessel Screen My flow's not great, OK, I conversate with people
convince Vessel Fake You Out Convince me otherwise would take all night
corazón Clancy Overcompensate Do the years seem way too short for my soul, corazón
Way too short for my soul, corazón
core Blurryface Fairly Local I'm evil to the core
I'm not evil to the core
counsel Clancy Midwest Indigo I requested counsel with the counselor and he cancelled twice
counselor Clancy Midwest Indigo I requested counsel with the counselor and he cancelled twice
count Trench Morph Count to infinity, ones and zeroes
counterfeit Single Time To Say Goodbye You split and take in every time you see a faking counterfeit
counterpart Self-Titled March To The Sea Inside my head with my counterpart
coverage Clancy Midwest Indigo Cloud coverage matched my outfit to a knife
cowardly Regional at Best & Vessel Trees Standing cowardly
cowards Trench Levitate Cowards only come through when the hour's late
cranked Blurryface The Judge As he cranked out those dismal chords
craving Clancy The Craving (Jenna's Version) I hope I communicate the craving
I hope that I can satiate the craving
Mm, the craving
crawled Self-Titled Friend, Please You say that spiders crawled inside and made themselves a home
crazed Vessel Migraine Full of tidal waves, suicidal crazed lions
crease Clancy Backslide Take the seat with the crease in it
creativity Blurryface Lane Boy My creativity's only free when I'm playin' shows
creatures Regional at Best Glowing Eyes We all are stranger creatures than when we all started out as kids
creek Blurryface Stressed Out Same clothes homegrown a stone's throw from a creek we used to roam
cripples Clancy The Craving (Jenna's Version) That cripples every step we take
crowd Clancy Oldies Station You're in the crowd at her first dance recital
crystal Regional at Best Clear Dig a little deeper and it's crystal clear, clear, clear
curb Clancy Overcompensate Get kicked to the curb
curtains Blurryface Not Today Tore the curtains down, windows open now, make a noise
Tore the curtains down, windows open now, make a sound
cycle Clancy Routines In The Night REM cycle skip, night psycho trip
cynical Scaled And Icy Formidable I might be cynical towards you
damaged Regional at Best Be Concerned Trust is damaged and now we panic
dandy Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep I wake up fine and dandy but then by the time I find it handy
danger Trench Levitate Danger in the fabric of this thing I made
dangerous Clancy Overcompensate I said I fly by the dangerous bend symbol
darker Blurryface The Judge I can tell 'cause it's a bit darker than the last night's bout
dashes Clancy Next Semester The yellow dashes in the street
decay Trench Chlorine Grows while I decay
decisions Scaled And Icy Redecorate Make my people make decisions, wonderin' what to do, oh
declared Blurryface The Judge And his four walls declared him insane
decorates Scaled And Icy Redecorate She covers all the dents with the way she decorates
dedicated Trench Neon Gravestones To life, they were dedicated
defeating Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Meaning maybe defeating them
defense Trench Morph Defense mechanism mode
defenseless Vessel Migraine It's me suspended in a defenseless test
deflate Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio My lungs will fill and then deflate
deflect Self-Titled Johnny Boy They deflect the disrespect
defy Regional at Best Be Concerned I try to say goodbye, defy, and deny
degrading Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds How frustrating and so degrading
delete Trench Pet Cheetah So, I'll take this beat I should delete to exercise
dema Trench Nico And The Niners Dema don't control
Dema don't control us
demands Scaled And Icy Choker Never make demands
den Trench My Blood If you find yourself in a lion's den
dents Scaled And Icy Redecorate She covers all the dents with the way she decorates
dependent Trench Chlorine Dependent at times
depressing Vessel Migraine That's represented best by my depressing thoughts
depression Regional at Best Glowing Eyes But I'll kindly enter into rooms of depression
describe Trench Smithereens Someone stepping towards you, can't describe
desire Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio They fill with fire, exhale desire
despise Trench Chlorine I despise you sometimes
destiny Self-Titled Fall Away New destiny to the grave
details Trench Leave The City With details from beyond
devil Blurryface The Judge I don't know if this one is about me or the devil
devote Regional at Best Be Concerned It's so hard to motivate me to devote
difference Regional at Best Lovely It's hard to tell the difference between blood and water these days
The only difference between life and dying
difficult Vessel Migraine A difficult beast feasting on burnt-down trees
dig Regional at Best Clear Dig a little deeper and it's crystal clear, clear, clear
directions Blurryface The Judge But I'm not good with directions and I hide behind my mouth
directive Scaled And Icy Redecorate Flat on his back but he still heard the directive
disappoint Single The Line Did I disappoint you?
disassociate Clancy Navigating Disassociate
discovered Trench Bandito But I recently discovered
discretion Blurryface Message Man Please use discretion when you're messing with the message, man
discussion Trench Neon Gravestones But for sake of discussion
disorder Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands I must forewarn you of my disorder, or my condition
display Scaled And Icy Redecorate Should they keep it on display
dissipate Trench The Hype I've got to step through or I'll dissipate
distance Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street I'll listen for a song in the distance
distraction Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio There is no distraction to mask what is real
diversion Trench Nico And The Niners A complete diversion
docked Single Heathens Docked away
dog Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit
dollar Clancy Backslide Bad place on a hundred dollar bass
dom Clancy Lavish Sip a Capri Sun like it's Dom Perignon
dominate Trench Levitate But compensation feels a lot like rising up to dominate by track two
domingo Blurryface Polarize Domingo en fuego, I think I lost my halo
doorways Trench Levitate Better test it, wooden wedges under doorways
double Trench Chlorine But now you double as a papermaker
double-sided Vessel Semi-Automatic I'm double-sided, and I just can't hide
dramatic Self-Titled Addict With A Pen I'm just being dramatic
dreamer Blurryface We Don't Believe What's On T.V. When I wake up from a dreamer's sleep
drink Trench Cut My Lip Rust around the rim, drink it anyway
driver Self-Titled Taxi Cab And the driver inside it contrived a new route to save the past
driveway Trench My Blood People posted up at the end of your driveway
drizzle Vessel Migraine Thunderstorms, clouds, snow, and a slight drizzle
drought Blurryface The Judge I forgot about the drought of light bulbs in this house
drowning Clancy Backslide Now I'm drowning in logistics
dry Scaled And Icy Choker Dry us in the sand
dumb Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb At the risk of feelin' dumb, check in
earlier Trench Neon Gravestones An earlier grave is an optional way
early Self-Titled Trapdoor He wakes up early today
east Trench Nico And The Niners East is up
East is up, I'm careless when I wear my rebel clothes
East is up, I'm fearless when I hear this on the low
East is up, When Bishops come together, they will know that
easy Blurryface Ride "I'd die for you," that's easy to say
edge Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street When times aren't the best, and I'm on the edge
efficiency Scaled And Icy The Outside Switched it up on me, fuel efficiency
ejection Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Tryin' to forget that we're in ejection seats
elasticity Clancy Snap Back I've been praying for my elasticity
elsewhere Single Time To Say Goodbye I wanna believe that I will be free elsewhere
embers Trench Leave The City Embers barely showing
embracing Clancy Oldies Station Embracing how things always change
emotional Blurryface Fairly Local I know I'm emotional
It's the few, the proud, and the emotional
They say I'm emotional
emotionless Self-Titled March To The Sea And the emotionless marchers will chant the phrase:
empathy Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Empathy might be on the brink of extinction
empty-handed Regional at Best Be Concerned Living empty-handed
en Blurryface Polarize Domingo en fuego, I think I lost my halo
endless Clancy Paladin Strait Endless row of angry waves
engraving Trench Neon Gravestones Communicating, further engraving
enter Regional at Best Glowing Eyes But I'll kindly enter into rooms of depression
entertain Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You Entertain my faith
envy Self-Titled A Car, A Torch, A Death And I begin to envy the headlights driving south
episode Blurryface Message Man Your show's next episode
equipment Clancy Lavish And if your feet are hurting then that's when you know you brought the right equipment to put on a show
ergo Trench Morph Ones and zeroes, ergo this symphony
escape Trench Chlorine I plan my escape from walls they confined
eta Clancy Midwest Indigo What's your ETA? (Two minutes)
eve Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep On the eve of a day that is bigger than us
On the eve of a day that's forgotten and fake
evening Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds Yeah, please don't think about why you can't sleep in the evening
eventually Scaled And Icy Choker As a shadow cast upon the ground where you'll eventually
everywhere Scaled And Icy Formidable And I know you just left but can I take you everywhere we've ever been?
But could you take me everywhere you've ever been?
exactly Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You You know exactly where you're going
exaggerate Scaled And Icy Saturday I exaggerate the life we used to know, oh, oh
examinant Vessel Migraine Being tested by a ruthless examinant
example Regional at Best Kitchen Sink So here's a prime example of a stand-up guy
exercise Trench Pet Cheetah So, I'll take this beat I should delete to exercise
exhale Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio They fill with fire, exhale desire
existence Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio I find over the course of our human existence
exists Blurryface Lane Boy There's another list that exists and no one really wants to think about this
expectations Clancy Paladin Strait Waiting, expectations
explaining Vessel Fake You Out I don't give you space to speak my name explaining this
exterior Trench The Hype Your exterior world can step off instead
exterminate Self-Titled Friend, Please To exterminate your bones
extinction Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Empathy might be on the brink of extinction
extra Trench Neon Gravestones I could use the streams and extra conversations
eyelashes Regional at Best Forest And your eyelashes make it look a little not right
fabric Trench Levitate Danger in the fabric of this thing I made
facility Scaled And Icy Never Take It When you're the treatment facility?
fact Self-Titled Addict With A Pen In fact,
fail Blurryface We Don't Believe What's On T.V. I need to know that when I fail you'll still be here
fairgrounds Self-Titled The Pantaloon Walking through the fairgrounds
fairness Trench Neon Gravestones In spirit of fairness
fans Regional at Best Glowing Eyes While ceiling fans and idle hands will take my life again
fantasies Regional at Best Glowing Eyes We have romantic fantasies about what dying truly is
fantasize Blurryface Ride But it's fun to fantasize
fast-forward Scaled And Icy Formidable Fast-forward thirteen years now
faster Self-Titled Trapdoor Nothing kills a man faster than his own head
fate Self-Titled Taxi Cab We had to steal him from his fate
favor Self-Titled Trapdoor Do me a favor and try to ignore
feasting Vessel Migraine A difficult beast feasting on burnt-down trees
feeble Self-Titled The Pantaloon That made his bones feeble
fengshui Scaled And Icy No Chances In this house we got fengshui
fertilize Self-Titled The Pantaloon Fertilize
fibers Scaled And Icy Choker Lay the fibers side by side
fighter Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Two fighter jets matching energy
figure Blurryface Heavydirtysoul You've got one time to figure it out
filed Self-Titled Addict With A Pen My trial was filed as a crazy
fingernails Self-Titled Taxi Cab Where my fingernails had fought
fire-breathe Trench Levitate And ever since the seventh grade I learned to fire-breathe
fishbowl Scaled And Icy Saturday Catch me floatin' circles in my fishbowl
fist Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands It's obviously best for them to turn their guns to a fist
fix Self-Titled Johnny Boy To fix a chair and love your wife
flamethrower Scaled And Icy No Chances Flamethrower, you a switchblade
flat Scaled And Icy Redecorate Flat on his back but he still heard the directive
flawless Blurryface Lane Boy Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless
flex Clancy Lavish Big flex, complex, Napoleon
flightless Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds All we are is an isle of flightless birds
flip Blurryface Message Man They rip it, flip it
floatation Clancy Paladin Strait Without any floatation
focused Self-Titled March To The Sea My eyes are focused on the end of land
foe Trench Jumpsuit Spirits in my room, friend or foe?
folks Clancy Lavish NDA's for the folks that talk to me
food Regional at Best Forest I took some food for thought
fool Clancy Snap Back Fool you once, it's been twenty-five times
footing Scaled And Icy Saturday Have you lost your footing, too?
forehead Vessel Migraine Something you won't forget, it's all about my forehead
foreign Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer Please, take my hand, we're in foreign land
forest Regional at Best Forest Down in the forest
forever Scaled And Icy Choker Lay forever, but the day goes on, the sun moves behind you
forewarn Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands I must forewarn you of my disorder, or my condition
forged Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep I'll tell the moon, take this weapon forged in darkness
forgive Scaled And Icy Redecorate Never asked permission, he just hopes that they forgive
form-fitted Vessel Fake You Out Dirty dirty crimes that are perfectly form-fitted
formation Trench Chlorine Fall out of formation
former Clancy Overcompensate Then overtake your former self
formidable Scaled And Icy Formidable You are formidable to me
forth Self-Titled Addict With A Pen As it blows me back and forth
fostered Regional at Best Clear Impostor, been fostered, then my new father drained my dirty blood
fourth Blurryface The Judge Three lights are lit but the fourth one's out
fraction Trench Neon Gravestones Well, they get a fraction
freakshow Single Heathens You'll never know the freakshow sitting next to you
frenemies Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Pretending enemies are frenemies, sending me straight to bending me
fresher Clancy Snap Back Guess I better move to a fresher approach
frights Self-Titled The Pantaloon By your nightmares and your frights
frosted Clancy Midwest Indigo To scrape the frosted windshield like we're barely scrapin' by
frowns Self-Titled Johnny Boy But the world looks down and frowns
frustrating Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds How frustrating and so degrading
fuego Blurryface Polarize Domingo en fuego, I think I lost my halo
fuel Scaled And Icy The Outside Switched it up on me, fuel efficiency
fumes Scaled And Icy The Outside On fumes I am running, running, running
fun Blurryface Ride But it's fun to fantasize
funeral Blurryface Fairly Local Yo, you, bulletproof in black like a funeral
gains Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Time gains momentum the moment when I'm living in 'em
gambling Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Better I am, gambling man, better bet I am a gambling man, I am?
gangsters Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Gangsters don't cry
gap Clancy Midwest Indigo Concentrate on the little gap in the ice
gardens Vessel Migraine Me for yelling, I'm telling you green gardens
gather Self-Titled Trapdoor Everyone gather around for a show
general Regional at Best Clear That I shot my general on my side of enemy lines
gesture Clancy The Craving (Jenna's Version) Now I see the gesture don't mean much
gifted Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You We were gifted with thought
girl Trench Smithereens They think it's messed up to sell out for your girl
glass Trench Bandito Like neon inside the glass, they form my brain
glide Self-Titled The Pantaloon Who glide across the very surface
glimpse Clancy Paladin Strait Just a glimpse of visual aid
glitter Self-Titled Before You Start Your Day Put on the glitter that your soul hides behind
glorified Trench Neon Gravestones Just pleading that "it" does not get glorified
glorify Trench Neon Gravestones We glorify those, even more, when they
glorious Trench Leave The City It's a glorious gone
gnawing Blurryface Doubt Gnawing on the bishops, claw our way up their system
gobsmacked Clancy Overcompensate Actin' gobsmacked, don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate
gold Vessel House Of Gold Will you buy me a house of gold?
goner Blurryface Goner I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath
goodness Clancy Overcompensate But for goodness sake
government Blurryface Tear In My Heart I'm driving here I sit, cursing my government
grade Trench Levitate And ever since the seventh grade I learned to fire-breathe
graduate Clancy Next Semester Graduate now
graffiti Trench Levitate No, no we are not just graffiti on a passing train
grander Single Christmas Saves The Year Years past seemed so much grander
grandpa Self-Titled The Pantaloon Your grandpa died
grandparents Trench Neon Gravestones Find your grandparents or someone of age
granted Regional at Best Be Concerned Take it for granted
grasses Clancy Vignette To pitch the greener grasses and hope that she would agree
gravestones Trench Neon Gravestones Neon gravestones try to call for my bones
greater Regional at Best Clear I sing of a greater love
green Vessel Migraine Me for yelling, I'm telling you green gardens
greener Clancy Vignette To pitch the greener grasses and hope that she would agree
grenades Single Heathens Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades
grid Regional at Best Glowing Eyes Fall off the grid
grind Scaled And Icy No Chances We spent some weekends on the grind, surveillances outside
grip Scaled And Icy No Chances Feet planted on grip tape
guide Self-Titled Air Catcher My parachutes would guide me safely to ground
guitar Scaled And Icy Never Take It Taught myself to play guitar
gullible Regional at Best Be Concerned Well, I'm sorry Mr. Gullible
habits Trench Levitate Wait, habits here too
halo Blurryface Polarize Domingo en fuego, I think I lost my halo
handy Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep I wake up fine and dandy but then by the time I find it handy
hang Trench Neon Gravestones We give them the highest of praise, and hang their banner from a ceiling
hardest Single Time To Say Goodbye And I'm standing on a tower trying my hardest to make it
harpoon Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Some see a pen, I see a harpoon
hastily Trench Leave The City Moving hastily
haunted Scaled And Icy Redecorate Haunted by a couple big mistakes
haze Clancy Navigating This haze around my face
hazmat Blurryface Lane Boy Scared you a bit like a hazmat
headache Vessel Migraine Let it be said what the headache represents
hearse Self-Titled Taxi Cab So the hearse ran out of gas
heartless Blurryface Lane Boy All these songs I'm hearing are so heartless
heathens Single Heathens All my friends are heathens, take it slow
heatless Trench Bandito It's a heatless fire
heaven Self-Titled March To The Sea And Heaven forbid they see you cry
heavydirtysoul Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
hell Blurryface The Judge Hell's hot for good reason, so please, take me
hesitate Clancy Overcompensate Actin' gobsmacked, don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate
Don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate
In the same night and won't hesitate to maybe overcompensate
hideaway Blurryface The Judge I heard the echo from his secret hideaway
highest Trench Neon Gravestones We give them the highest of praise, and hang their banner from a ceiling
highway Blurryface Lane Boy They think this thing is a highway
They think this thing is a highway, highway
hills Vessel Semi-Automatic And the silver lining rides the hills
Until the sun makes the hills its grave
hip-hop Blurryface Heavydirtysoul This is not rap, this is not hip-hop
hoisted Regional at Best Forest White flags are hoisted
hollowed Single Time To Say Goodbye But yourself as a face, a hollowed out space
holographics Regional at Best Slowtown When using Pokémon cards, please do not use the holographics
homegrown Blurryface Stressed Out Same clothes homegrown a stone's throw from a creek we used to roam
hometown Blurryface Hometown Our hometown's in the dark
homie Scaled And Icy Good Day Homie just sued me
hood Blurryface Lane Boy I wasn't raised in the hood
hopeful Vessel Migraine Life has a hopeful undertone
horrors Vessel Semi-Automatic The horrors of the night melt away
horse Trench Nico And The Niners Rent a race horse and force a sponsor
host Trench Neon Gravestones They would host and post a celebration
human Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio I find over the course of our human existence
hunch Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Mindless zombies walking around with a limp and a hunch
hurtling Clancy Paladin Strait Staring down a hurtling storm
hustle Self-Titled The Pantaloon How he used to hustle all the people
hype Trench The Hype I don't believe the hype
Just don't believe the hype
hypocrisy Clancy Lavish I'm coming in hot, hot shot hypocrisy
ice Clancy Midwest Indigo Concentrate on the little gap in the ice
identify Blurryface Stressed Out How come I'm never able to identify where it's coming from
idle Regional at Best Glowing Eyes While ceiling fans and idle hands will take my life again
ignite Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You Take the pain, ignite it
image Blurryface Doubt Scared of my own image, scared of my own immaturity
immaturity Blurryface Doubt Scared of my own image, scared of my own immaturity
imperfections Blurryface The Judge I'm a pro at imperfections and I'm best friends with my doubt
impostor Regional at Best Clear Impostor, been fostered, then my new father drained my dirty blood
impressed Blurryface Message Man We're all impressed by this
inch Regional at Best Be Concerned A single inch of me to something I can't see
incorrect Trench Chlorine The last two lines may read incorrect until said
indigo Clancy Midwest Indigo Midwest Indigo
You can be so cold, Midwest Indigo
industry Blurryface Lane Boy In the industry
inebriated Scaled And Icy Redecorate And he feels trapped when he's not inebriated
infection Regional at Best Clear Spread this infection, reflect it on the next one
infestation Blurryface Heavydirtysoul There's an infestation in my mind's imagination
infinity Trench Morph Count to infinity, ones and zeroes
inline Scaled And Icy Redecorate Seein' snapshots chronologically inline
innit Clancy Backslide Tendencies on repeat, innit
insecure Blurryface Stressed Out But now I'm insecure and I care what people think
inside-out Blurryface Goner I'm inside-out, you're underneath
insignificant Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep I'm insignificant
insisted Blurryface Doubt Repeating simple phrases, someone holy insisted
inspires Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit
interest Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands 'cause when the sun sets, it upsets what's left of my invested interest
interested Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands Interested in putting my fingers to my head
interior Trench The Hype My interior world needs to sanitize
introspection Regional at Best Clear Introspection is the name of this session
introspective Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You To an introspective beat
invades Trench Morph And one invades today while the other spies tomorrow
inventory Scaled And Icy Redecorate Takin' inventory of his life
invested Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands 'cause when the sun sets, it upsets what's left of my invested interest
invincible Trench Chlorine I felt I was invincible, you wrapped around my head
isle Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds All we are is an isle of flightless birds
isolated Scaled And Icy Redecorate I repeat, scaled back and isolated
Like an isolated track
issues Single Heathens You have trust issues, not to mention
jacket Clancy Overcompensate Three hundred tracks in my Adidas track jacket
jar Self-Titled A Car, A Torch, A Death But for now you told me to hold this jar
jason Trench Pet Cheetah And named him Jason Statham
jets Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Two fighter jets matching energy
job Scaled And Icy Good Day Lost my job, my wife and child
johnny Self-Titled Johnny Boy Get up, Johnny boy, because we all need you now
Get up, Johnny boy, get up, Johnny boy
jonah Regional at Best Be Concerned But still know where home is feeling like Jonah did
joy Self-Titled Johnny Boy You're my pride and joy
judge Blurryface The Judge You're the judge, oh no, set me free
julie Single Level Of Concern Julie starts to make me nervous
kaleidoscope Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You Twisting the kaleidoscope behind both of my eyes
kawasaki Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Ride around 270 in Kawasaki tees
Used to be you and me, matching Kawasaki Zs
key Regional at Best Ruby You hold the key
kingdom Regional at Best Forest King of a kingdom or swinging on a swing
kitchen Regional at Best Kitchen Sink At my kitchen sink
Because a kitchen sink to you
Is not a kitchen sink to me, OK friend?
knees Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep I'm pleading please, oh please on my knees repeatedly asking
knife Clancy Midwest Indigo Cloud coverage matched my outfit to a knife
knocking Scaled And Icy Bounce Man If they come knocking (Pop, pop, pop)
lace Clancy Backslide Benefit from a shoe with no lace
lacked Self-Titled Air Catcher I was doing fine on my own and there wasn't much I lacked
lady Scaled And Icy Bounce Man Come to the house, man, I'll let my old lady know
lame Self-Titled Fall Away But my name is lame
lane Blurryface Lane Boy They say, "stay in your lane, boy, lane boy"
latter Blurryface Stressed Out Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter
lavish Clancy Lavish It's just the beginning of lavish
It's lavish
It's lavish)
laws Regional at Best Slowtown Laugh in the face of gravity as its laws we'd break
layout Clancy Routines In The Night Walk the layout, routines in the night
leader Blurryface The Judge When the leader of the bad guys sang
leash Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You This ain't a noose, this is a leash
ledges Trench Levitate Please, keep me from; please, keep me down from the ledges
left-side Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You Sounding down the mountain range of my left-side brain
legend Trench Legend You're a legend in my own mind
legs Clancy Next Semester Can't feel my legs
length Clancy Overcompensate Days feel like a perfect length
lenient Trench Neon Gravestones My opinion will not be lenient
letters Vessel Migraine Whether it's the weather or the letters by my bed
level Single Level Of Concern 'cause I told you my level of concern
And you could bring down my level of concern
levitate Trench Levitate Learn to levitate with just a little help
Oh, I know how to levitate up off my feet
You can learn to levitate with just a little help
You can levitate with just a little help
liar Self-Titled Implicit Demand For Proof I know you're not a liar
lighter Trench Nico And The Niners I'm lighter when I'm lower
lightning Self-Titled Implicit Demand For Proof I am calling your lightning
limits Clancy Routines In The Night I'm testing the limits of what a mind can do
limp Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Mindless zombies walking around with a limp and a hunch
linoleum Clancy Lavish Got that penny loafer squeak, across linoleum
lip Trench Cut My Lip I cut my lip
literally Blurryface Ride But literally, I don't know what I'd do
loaded Regional at Best Be Concerned Almost dropped the bat like every base was fully loaded
loafer Clancy Lavish Got that penny loafer squeak, across linoleum
loans Blurryface Stressed Out Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter
local Blurryface Fairly Local I'm fairly local, I've been around
I'm fairly local, good people now
location Scaled And Icy No Chances How'd you get the location?
locomotive Vessel Screen A train from the sky, locomotive, my motives are insane
Look out below crashing down to the ground just like a vertical locomotive
logistics Clancy Backslide Now I'm drowning in logistics
lonely Clancy Backslide I don't mind if it's lonely
loser Blurryface Message Man A loser hides behind a mask of my disguise
losers Blurryface Message Man Together we're losers
loss Trench Neon Gravestones Our culture can treat a loss
louder Clancy Paladin Strait "Show yourself," I yell louder
lovely Regional at Best Lovely I will make you believe you are lovely
low-key Scaled And Icy Good Day Low-key - I'm alright
lower Trench Nico And The Niners I'm lighter when I'm lower
lowest Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb See me at my lowest, you don't have to drop
See me at my lowest, you don't have to drop, drop, drop
See me at my lowest, you don't have to drop, drop, drop me
luckily Regional at Best Lovely Luckily I can read your mind
lunch Trench Legend A lunch with you again
lungs Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio My lungs will fill and then deflate
makeshift Self-Titled A Car, A Torch, A Death It was a little dark so he held a makeshift torch
march Self-Titled March To The Sea I don't want to march here anymore
In a march to the sea
marchers Self-Titled March To The Sea And the emotionless marchers will chant the phrase:
marked Single Christmas Saves The Year This one's marked '92, yeah
markings Blurryface Doubt Want the markings made on my skin
masses Clancy Overcompensate You bow to the masses
masters Trench Legend But the masters and mixes
matched Clancy Midwest Indigo Cloud coverage matched my outfit to a knife
matching Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Two fighter jets matching energy
Used to be you and me, matching Kawasaki Zs
mechanism Trench Morph Defense mechanism mode
medal Self-Titled Johnny Boy The man deserves a medal
medical Trench Chlorine The moment is medical, moment is medical
medicate Scaled And Icy Saturday Medicate in the afternoon
megalodon Scaled And Icy The Outside I am a megalodon, oceans feeling like a pond
megatron Scaled And Icy The Outside I am Megatron, cogs I'm stepping on
merely Regional at Best Be Concerned Clearly I am dying, dearly I am writing, merely testifying
message Blurryface Message Man Please use discretion when you're messing with the message, man
met Scaled And Icy Formidable And I know that we just met
meteor Scaled And Icy The Outside Now that meteor is coming, coming
meteoric Scaled And Icy The Outside Meteoric rise, in prehistoric times
mexico Scaled And Icy Bounce Man Float you a couple bands, then you head to Mexico
michael Single Level Of Concern Panic on the brain, Michael's gone insane
microphone Regional at Best Clear Kick me off the stage and take my microphone
middle Trench Legend My middle name
middleman Scaled And Icy Choker Sooner I can realize that pain is just a middleman
midwest Clancy Midwest Indigo Midwest Indigo
You can be so cold, Midwest Indigo
migraine Vessel Migraine And sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head
I- I- I- I've got a migraine
Sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head
mindset Trench Pet Cheetah Get behind me, I bet this nepotistic mindset
miracle Trench Morph And "around" is scientific miracle, let's pick "above" and see
missed Self-Titled Air Catcher And the moon just happened to be the very first thing that I missed
misty-eyed Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Mr. Misty-eyed, therefore I'm
mixes Trench Legend But the masters and mixes
mob Trench Nico And The Niners Start a mob, and you can be quite certain
mock Trench Morph When I'd hear him mock me that's almost stopped me
mode Trench Morph Defense mechanism mode
modesty Scaled And Icy Shy Away 'cause you shed your modesty
Shed your modesty
mold Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds And mold our emotions just to please them
momentary Regional at Best Kitchen Sink I'm winning a momentary sinning a moment passing after
momentum Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Time gains momentum the moment when I'm living in 'em
monday Scaled And Icy Saturday Slow down on Monday
mood Clancy Lavish Keep it cool, keep the mood androgynous
morality Blurryface Lane Boy My morality
morph Trench Morph I'll morph to someone else
moth Self-Titled The Pantaloon A moth ate through
motivate Regional at Best Be Concerned It's so hard to motivate me to devote
motivation Blurryface Message Man And the comments will always become common motivation to promote
motives Vessel Screen A train from the sky, locomotive, my motives are insane
mountain Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You Sounding down the mountain range of my left-side brain
mourn Trench Neon Gravestones I'll mourn for a kid, but won't cry for a king
You won't mourn a day
movies Scaled And Icy Good Day Her favorite movies
ms Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty sleeper
Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty weeper
muffled Single Time To Say Goodbye And muffled though it may be and crazy it seems
muffs Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears
mulberry Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street Welcome to Mulberry Street, yeah
multiply Regional at Best Anathema Don't know where I should go and the tears and the fears begin to multiply
murder Single Time To Say Goodbye I just wanna run and murder my care
murderer Single Heathens You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you
mutant Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands The solution is, I see a whole room of these mutant kids
mvp Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Same amount that I denied, I three-time MVP'd this crime
napoleon Clancy Lavish Big flex, complex, Napoleon
navigating Clancy Navigating I'm navigating, I'm navigating my head
nda Clancy Lavish NDA's for the folks that talk to me
necks Clancy Snap Back (If I'm gonna snap necks
If I'm gonna snap necks, then I gotta snap back
If I'm gonna snap necks, then I gotta snap back (Gotta snap back)
neighboring Regional at Best Slowtown I remember when my brother and other kids from neighboring houses
neither Regional at Best Kitchen Sink They don't know you, and neither do I
nepotistic Trench Pet Cheetah Get behind me, I bet this nepotistic mindset
newcomers Single Heathens They say newcomers have a certain smell
newer Self-Titled Fall Away And a newer place
nicknames Trench Bandito Like nicknames they give themselves to uninspire
nicolas Trench Morph He'll always try to stop me, that Nicolas Bourbaki
nightmares Self-Titled The Pantaloon By your nightmares and your frights
nine Self-Titled The Pantaloon When you were nine
niners Trench Nico And The Niners Fire, Nico and the Niners
I'm flying from a fire, from Nico and the Niners
nodding Scaled And Icy The Outside They're nodding
noise Blurryface Not Today Tore the curtains down, windows open now, make a noise
non-violent Vessel Migraine That make Pandora's box's contents look non-violent
none Blurryface Polarize I have none to show to the one I love
nonsense Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Pointless curses, nonsense verses
noose Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You This ain't a noose, this is a leash
Tie a noose around your mind
notes Trench Smithereens I'll be in the corner taking notes
notorious Scaled And Icy No Chances Notorious in the octagon now
number Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Metaphorically I'm a whore, and that's denial number four
oath Clancy Oldies Station Make an oath then make mistakes
obey Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You And I have news for you: you must obey me
obsessing Blurryface Message Man I'm obsessing all these questions
obtain Self-Titled Fall Away Take aim to obtain a new name
obviously Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands It's obviously best for them to turn their guns to a fist
octagon Scaled And Icy No Chances Notorious in the octagon now
often Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio I have these thoughts, so often I ought
oldies Clancy Oldies Station Your favorite song was on the oldies station
one-way Vessel The Run And Go Cerebral thunder in one-way conversations
opinion Trench Neon Gravestones My opinion
My opinion will not be lenient
My opinion, it's real convenient
optional Trench Neon Gravestones An earlier grave is an optional way
originated Clancy Overcompensate Originated right in front of your eyes
otherwise Vessel Fake You Out Convince me otherwise would take all night
ought Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio I have these thoughts, so often I ought
outer Blurryface Stressed Out Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face
outfit Clancy Midwest Indigo Cloud coverage matched my outfit to a knife
outsiders Single Heathens We don't deal with outsiders very well
overcompensate Clancy Overcompensate Actin' gobsmacked, don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate
Don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate
In the same night and won't hesitate to maybe overcompensate
overexposure Trench Levitate This culture is a poacher of overexposure, not today
overtake Clancy Overcompensate Then overtake your former self
overweight Clancy Snap Back Been a good streak, but the pressure's overweight
packed Self-Titled A Car, A Torch, A Death But then I remember when you packed my car
painful Clancy Routines In The Night A painful reminder and a terrible dream
paladin Clancy Paladin Strait I would swim the Paladin Strait
palm Self-Titled Addict With A Pen In the palm of my hand
pandora Vessel Migraine That make Pandora's box's contents look non-violent
pantaloon Self-Titled The Pantaloon He is a pantaloon
That your dad is now the pantaloon
You should never trust the pantaloon
papermaker Trench Chlorine But now you double as a papermaker
parachutes Self-Titled Air Catcher My parachutes would guide me safely to ground
parade Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street Tie strings to our hands and feet, to rain on your parade
paralyzed Trench The Hype Sometimes I feel cold, even paralyzed
parents Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands And you swear to your parents
parking Clancy Midwest Indigo I'll be pulling into the parking lot before the heat kicks in
party Clancy Vignette Hounded by a bunch of dead when the search party found him
passenger Self-Titled Taxi Cab A passenger person grabbed a map
paste Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Copy and paste caught me, and copy, better rhymes bother me
path Trench Neon Gravestones Pay some respects for the path that they paved
patiently Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds And he is waiting, oh, so patiently
paved Trench Neon Gravestones Pay some respects for the path that they paved
payroll Clancy Lavish Room on the payroll, everyone can live comfortably
pearl Regional at Best Be Concerned You are the pearl, I am the swine
pedigree Scaled And Icy Bounce Man Got soldiers on my pedigree
peeling Clancy Vignette Peeling from his bones
penny Clancy Lavish Got that penny loafer squeak, across linoleum
perched Trench Pet Cheetah My house is the one where the vultures are perched on the roof
perignon Clancy Lavish Sip a Capri Sun like it's Dom Perignon
peripheral Clancy Overcompensate And then by the time I catch, in my peripheral
periphery Clancy Oldies Station Only consistency in your periphery
permission Scaled And Icy Redecorate Never asked permission, he just hopes that they forgive
perplexed Self-Titled Implicit Demand For Proof I am simply very perplexed by your ways
perspective Scaled And Icy Redecorate Tried lookin' at it from a new perspective
pet Trench Pet Cheetah I've got a pet cheetah down in my basement
Now my pet cheetah's quicker in the studio than on his feet
Pet cheetah, cheetah
phone Scaled And Icy Bounce Man I don't know if you've got your phone
photo Single Christmas Saves The Year Dust off old photo boxes
piano Blurryface Not Today Don't you test me though, just because I play the piano
pier Self-Titled March To The Sea The line will go to the ocean pier
piled Self-Titled A Car, A Torch, A Death To add the miles piled up behind me
pillowcase Regional at Best Anathema In my bed where my head rests on a pillowcase
pills Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street Keep your pills, save your breath, and don't ever forget
pink Regional at Best Ruby Your mama painted your room a shade of pink she said
pitch Clancy Vignette To pitch the greener grasses and hope that she would agree
plain Self-Titled Taxi Cab A beautifully plain taxi cab
planted Scaled And Icy No Chances Feet planted on grip tape
plummet Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds Plummet as I sing, plummet as I sing
poacher Trench Levitate This culture is a poacher of overexposure, not today
pocket Trench Chlorine Hide you in my coat pocket, where I kept my rebel red
poetry Blurryface Message Man It's just poetry divided
pointless Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Pointless curses, nonsense verses
poisoned Regional at Best Forest It might be poisoned
poisonous Trench Chlorine Poisonous vibrations
pokémon Regional at Best Slowtown When using Pokémon cards, please do not use the holographics
polarize Blurryface Polarize Help me polarize, help me polarize
Polarize is taking your disguises
policy Regional at Best Be Concerned And I've earned a policy of no return
pond Scaled And Icy The Outside I am a megalodon, oceans feeling like a pond
ponder Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio I ponder of something great
I ponder of something terrifying
porch Self-Titled A Car, A Torch, A Death The demon sat there waiting on her porch
portrait Vessel Migraine Freeze frame please, let me paint a mental picture portrait
portrays Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep A mask that portrays that we don't need grace
possess Trench Pet Cheetah I can feel pressure start to possess my mind
possible Trench Morph Are we still in love and is it possible we feel the same?
power Blurryface Hometown How to put back the power in our soul
praise Trench Neon Gravestones It's with the people we praise who may have assisted
We give them the highest of praise, and hang their banner from a ceiling
prayer Vessel Semi-Automatic I'm semi-automatic, my prayer's schizophrenic
precious Self-Titled Fall Away And I will take my precious time
prehistoric Scaled And Icy The Outside Meteoric rise, in prehistoric times
prepared Single The Line I thought I was fully prepared for
prescribe Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street They find someone to prescribe
present Blurryface Message Man Release me from the present
pretender Single Time To Say Goodbye I truly will surrender my pretender, my disguise
prime Regional at Best Kitchen Sink So here's a prime example of a stand-up guy
prize Self-Titled Johnny Boy But he's never really won a prize
pro Blurryface The Judge I'm a pro at imperfections and I'm best friends with my doubt
problem-solving Trench Neon Gravestones 'cause your wits are first to go while you're problem-solving
proctologist Clancy Lavish I see your problem is your proctologist
prodigal Clancy Overcompensate Prodigal son, done running, come up with Josh Dun
progress Clancy Snap Back All of that progress lost today
promote Blurryface Message Man And the comments will always become common motivation to promote
proud Blurryface Fairly Local It's the few, the proud, and the emotional
pry Regional at Best Be Concerned I don't mean to pry
psyche Vessel Migraine Are not what's growing in my psyche, it's a different me
psycho Clancy Routines In The Night REM cycle skip, night psycho trip
psychopath Single Heathens You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you
purging Clancy Oldies Station In a season of purging things you used to love
qualified Self-Titled Johnny Boy They all know you're qualified
We all know you're qualified
quarantine Single Level Of Concern Wonderin' would you be my little quarantine?
quicker Trench Pet Cheetah Now my pet cheetah's quicker in the studio than on his feet
quickly Regional at Best Forest Quickly moving towards the storm
quotations Scaled And Icy Never Take It Keep the truth in quotations
rabbit Blurryface Heavydirtysoul Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit
rage Clancy Paladin Strait Water rips with rage
rain Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street Keep your sunny days, leave us in the rain
Tie strings to our hands and feet, to rain on your parade
raindrop Self-Titled March To The Sea 'cause you might get a raindrop in your eye
rapidly Clancy Navigating How things change so rapidly
rat Clancy Backslide Rat race, place to place, adding weight
razor Single Time To Say Goodbye Leave me with the razor
razorblade Trench Nico And The Niners Maybe from all the money we made razorblade stores
razorblades Trench Nico And The Niners Save your razorblades now, not yet
re-beginning Regional at Best Kitchen Sink A re-beginning moments mending memories
react Clancy Overcompensate Bless your ear holes while you react
ready Single Heathens And now they're outside ready to bust
reality Clancy Navigating Kind of feels like everybody leaves, feeling the reality that everybody leaves
rears Blurryface Message Man But you and I know it gets better when morning finally rears its head
rearview Scaled And Icy Choker You get taller, bolder, stronger and the rearview only blinds you
reassuring Clancy Routines In The Night It's reassuring you keep coming around
receding Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Then I feel my soul start leaving, like an old man's hair receding
recently Trench Bandito But I recently discovered
recital Clancy Oldies Station You're in the crowd at her first dance recital
recognize Scaled And Icy Shy Away You barely recognize the pictures
redecorate Scaled And Icy Redecorate Or redecorate?
reflect Regional at Best Clear Spread this infection, reflect it on the next one
reflection Scaled And Icy Redecorate She's not afraid of her reflection
refusing Trench Neon Gravestones Well, I'm refusing the lesson
regardless Blurryface Lane Boy Regardless
reign Self-Titled Implicit Demand For Proof Reign down
relate Regional at Best Be Concerned All of us relate if it's something we've just been through
Most of us listen if it's something we can relate to
release Blurryface Message Man Release me from the present
relies Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street That everybody relies on synthetic highs
rem Clancy Routines In The Night REM cycle skip, night psycho trip
remains Trench Morph For if and when we go "above", the question still remains
reminder Clancy Routines In The Night A painful reminder and a terrible dream
remove Self-Titled Friend, Please Friend, please remove your hands from
renaissance Scaled And Icy The Outside Then the little cogs got together, start a renaissance
render Single Time To Say Goodbye And I'll truly start to render to your splendor
rent Trench Nico And The Niners Rent a race horse and force a sponsor
reoccurring Clancy Routines In The Night Reoccurring, days blurring
Reoccurring, keeps coming around
repeatedly Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep I'm pleading please, oh please on my knees repeatedly asking
repentance Self-Titled Fall Away Repentance is taking commission
reply Scaled And Icy Bounce Man If you don't reply, I'll know you must have crossed state lines
represented Vessel Migraine That's represented best by my depressing thoughts
reputation Trench Neon Gravestones I could give up, and boost up my reputation
requested Clancy Midwest Indigo I requested counsel with the counselor and he cancelled twice
requires Regional at Best Be Concerned That a test to fly requires I pass the test with colors flying
resonate Trench Neon Gravestones It won't resonate in our minds
respects Trench Neon Gravestones Pay some respects for the path that they paved
responded Clancy Navigating Since I responded to your question
restitution Scaled And Icy Never Take It How can we seek restitution
revel Blurryface The Judge I don't know if this song is a surrender or a revel
reverse Scaled And Icy Formidable Don't know what it was but somehow we played it out in reverse
rhythm Regional at Best Kitchen Sink The better the rhythm the badder I am but I bet I'll battle with 'em battle
rim Trench Cut My Lip Rust around the rim, drink it anyway
rival Trench Bandito But I'm still not sure if fear's a rival or a close relative to truth
roam Blurryface Stressed Out Same clothes homegrown a stone's throw from a creek we used to roam
rock Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You Lean with it, rock with it
rocket Blurryface Stressed Out We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away
romance Scaled And Icy Choker Self-sabotage is a sweet romance
romantic Regional at Best Glowing Eyes We have romantic fantasies about what dying truly is
roof Trench Pet Cheetah My house is the one where the vultures are perched on the roof
rooftops Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer Your twisted thoughts are like snow on the rooftops
royalty Regional at Best Ruby Ruby, you're royalty in your home land, they all call you queen
ruby Regional at Best Ruby Ruby, I hope I see you, I've waited all this week
Ruby, take my hand, please lead me to the promised land
Ruby, you're royalty in your home land, they all call you queen
rug Clancy Backslide What happened to what I brushed under the rug
rushing Blurryface Heavydirtysoul 'cause I wasn't the only one who wasn't rushing to say nothing
rust Trench Cut My Lip Rust around the rim, drink it anyway
ruthless Vessel Migraine Being tested by a ruthless examinant
sad Clancy Midwest Indigo You make me sad and second-guess myself
safe Self-Titled Air Catcher You've stolen my air catcher that kept me safe and sound
safely Self-Titled Air Catcher My parachutes would guide me safely to ground
safety Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands And you never put the safety on
sail Regional at Best Lovely We are now just setting sail
salary Blurryface Lane Boy Forget salary
sanitize Trench The Hype My interior world needs to sanitize
satiate Clancy The Craving (Jenna's Version) I hope that I can satiate the craving
saturation Scaled And Icy Good Day I can feel my saturation leaving me slowly
scaled Scaled And Icy Redecorate I repeat, scaled back and isolated
With the bells and the whistles scaled back
scares Trench Neon Gravestones Is beating a stigma that no longer scares us
schedule Scaled And Icy Redecorate He says he likes an open schedule, but he mostly hates it
schizophrenic Vessel Semi-Automatic I'm semi-automatic, my prayer's schizophrenic
scientific Trench Morph And "around" is scientific miracle, let's pick "above" and see
scrape Clancy Midwest Indigo To scrape the frosted windshield like we're barely scrapin' by
scrapin' Clancy Midwest Indigo To scrape the frosted windshield like we're barely scrapin' by
screen Vessel Screen 'cause there's a screen on my chest
Yeah, there's a screen on my chest
screwed Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Here's my brother and his head's screwed up
seal Self-Titled March To The Sea Take me up, seal the door
season Clancy Oldies Station In a season of lessons learned in giving up
In a season of purging things you used to love
second-guess Clancy Midwest Indigo You make me sad and second-guess myself
secondhand Scaled And Icy Choker Only smokin' secondhand
sedated Scaled And Icy Redecorate Fair to say he's fairly sedated most days of the week
seek Scaled And Icy Never Take It How can we seek restitution
self Clancy Overcompensate Then overtake your former self
self-esteem Clancy Navigating I find my self-esteem
self-sabotage Scaled And Icy Choker Self-sabotage is a sweet romance
semester Clancy Next Semester Start fresh next semester
semi-automatic Vessel Semi-Automatic I'm semi-automatic, my prayer's schizophrenic
sense Scaled And Icy Saturday Lose my sense a time or two
sentence Self-Titled Fall Away My crime is my sentence
separating Blurryface Polarize Separating them, splitting them up from wrong and right
seventh Trench Levitate And ever since the seventh grade I learned to fire-breathe
sever Trench Levitate And sever all I knew, yeah, sever all
several Vessel The Run And Go From several rooms away
shada-de-da-dum Regional at Best Ruby Your eyes say, "shada-de-da-dum."
shade Regional at Best Ruby But with your great arrival that shade has turned to red
Your mama painted your room a shade of pink she said
shame Self-Titled Johnny Boy And I will carry all your shame
shed Scaled And Icy Shy Away 'cause you shed your modesty
Shed your modesty
shelf Single Christmas Saves The Year 'cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
ship Blurryface Stressed Out We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away
ship-wrecked Vessel Migraine My mind ship-wrecked
shoot-em-up Scaled And Icy Good Day Shoot my life in shoot-em-up style
shore Clancy Paladin Strait Standing on the shore
shoreline Clancy Paladin Strait Of you on the other shoreline
short Clancy Overcompensate Do the years seem way too short for my soul, corazón
Way too short for my soul, corazón
shotty Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You Back in control, no more shotty
shout Blurryface Heavydirtysoul One time to twist and one time to shout
shred Trench My Blood I'll shred 'em all and go with you
shy Scaled And Icy Shy Away Don't you shy away
When you shy away
sick Vessel Fake You Out Our brains are sick but that's OK
sidewalk Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street Keep sidewalk under your feet
siege Vessel The Run And Go Cold nights under siege from accusations
sign Scaled And Icy Choker I'll sign on the line
signals Regional at Best Lovely Sending signals and red flags in waves
silent Regional at Best & Vessel Trees Silent in the trees
silhouette Scaled And Icy Choker Like a silhouette that you can barely see
silver Vessel Semi-Automatic And the silver lining rides the hills
sincere Regional at Best Clear Have you asked these questions? Have you been sincere?
singed Trench Leave The City I have singed my hands
sink Regional at Best Kitchen Sink At my kitchen sink
Because a kitchen sink to you
Is not a kitchen sink to me, OK friend?
sinning Regional at Best Kitchen Sink I'm winning a momentary sinning a moment passing after
situation Regional at Best Forest The situation's becoming dire
six Trench Smithereens I got your six while you're working votes
skip Clancy Routines In The Night REM cycle skip, night psycho trip
skull Regional at Best Anathema You will never know what's behind my skull
sleeper Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty sleeper
slick Trench Smithereens Write a slick song just to show you the world
slide Trench Chlorine Sippin' on straight chlorine, let the vibe slide over me
slight Vessel Migraine Thunderstorms, clouds, snow, and a slight drizzle
slip Blurryface Goner I'll slip away into this sound
slits Self-Titled Before You Start Your Day Open the slits in your face and start your day
You don't have much time to make your slits look just right
slo-mo Vessel Screen I can't see past my own nose, I'm seeing everything in slo-mo
slower Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer So much slower
slowtown Regional at Best Slowtown I want to be in Slowtown
If we could just lay down and wake up in Slowtown
smaller Vessel Semi-Automatic And my frame shrinks smaller as night grows near
smellin Clancy Lavish You're looking real nice, smellin like worth
smirking Trench Levitate They're smirking at fresh blood, they're circling above
smithereens Trench Smithereens I would get beat to smithereens
snap Clancy Snap Back (If I'm gonna snap necks
If I'm gonna snap necks, then I gotta snap back
If I'm gonna snap necks, then I gotta snap back (Gotta snap back)
Then I gotta snap back)
snapshots Scaled And Icy Redecorate Seein' snapshots chronologically inline
soaked Blurryface The Judge Something soft and soaked in pain
socks Regional at Best Slowtown I put my socks on my feet
soft Blurryface The Judge Something soft and soaked in pain
softest Trench Bandito The softest echo could be enough for me to make it through
soldiers Scaled And Icy Bounce Man Got soldiers on my pedigree
solemn Trench Morph For "if" is purely panic and "when" is solemn sorrow
solution Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands The solution is, I see a whole room of these mutant kids
solve Clancy Backslide Are you doing good? Did you solve all of your problems?
soon Self-Titled The Pantaloon But is it too soon?
The end can't come soon enough
Way too soon
sooner Scaled And Icy Choker Sooner I can realize that pain is just a middleman
sorrow Trench Morph For "if" is purely panic and "when" is solemn sorrow
spaceship Self-Titled March To The Sea I see a spaceship in the sky
speakers Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You It ain't the speakers that bump hearts
specialize Self-Titled Addict With A Pen But you specialize in dying
speed Trench Chlorine Let me catch you up to speed
spelling Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Those crazy words they were spelling
spent Scaled And Icy No Chances We spent some weekends on the grind, surveillances outside
spewing Vessel Fake You Out I'm brewing and losing and spewing and fusing
spiders Self-Titled Friend, Please You say that spiders crawled inside and made themselves a home
spies Trench Morph And one invades today while the other spies tomorrow
spineless Self-Titled Addict With A Pen Mindless, spineless, and pretend
splendor Single Time To Say Goodbye And I'll truly start to render to your splendor
splinter Scaled And Icy Choker Like a little splinter buried in your skin
spokes Regional at Best Slowtown Put cards in our spokes and make our engine sound like traffic
sponsor Trench Nico And The Niners Rent a race horse and force a sponsor
spot Self-Titled Taxi Cab A little light revealed the spot
spray Clancy Routines In The Night Some doors have "stay out" spray painted in white
squared Scaled And Icy No Chances With my shoulders squared and my back straight
squeak Clancy Lavish Got that penny loafer squeak, across linoleum
squint Regional at Best Forest Takes a different form when I squint my eyes
When you squint your eyes
stage Regional at Best Clear Kick me off the stage and take my microphone
stain Clancy Backslide Is that a stain? You should change
stairs Blurryface Polarize Those stairs is where I'll be hiding all my problems
stale Regional at Best Lovely Your redemption won't grow stale
stand-up Regional at Best Kitchen Sink So here's a prime example of a stand-up guy
state Scaled And Icy Bounce Man If you don't reply, I'll know you must have crossed state lines
statham Trench Pet Cheetah And named him Jason Statham
station Clancy Oldies Station Your favorite song was on the oldies station
steering Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio I could pull the steering wheel
stick Blurryface We Don't Believe What's On T.V. 'cause if you stick around I'll sing you pretty sounds
stigma Trench Neon Gravestones Is beating a stigma that no longer scares us
stitches Clancy Snap Back Give it finger stitches
stomach Regional at Best Forest The stomach in my brain
There's a stomach inside my brain
strain Self-Titled Addict With A Pen How tightly I will strain
strait Clancy Paladin Strait I would swim the Paladin Strait
streams Trench Neon Gravestones I could use the streams and extra conversations
stressed Blurryface Stressed Out When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out
strike Self-Titled Implicit Demand For Proof Strike me down
strings Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street Tie strings to our hands and feet, to rain on your parade
strip Self-Titled Taxi Cab I wanna strip myself of breath
stripes Clancy Overcompensate Earned my stripes
stronger Scaled And Icy Choker You get taller, bolder, stronger and the rearview only blinds you
structure Trench Levitate You're the worst, your structure compensates
struggle Vessel The Run And Go You'll have to watch me struggle
student Blurryface Stressed Out Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter
studio Trench Pet Cheetah Now my pet cheetah's quicker in the studio than on his feet
subliminally Regional at Best Clear To subliminally get yourself inside you
submission Self-Titled Fall Away I'm screaming submission and,
succession Trench Neon Gravestones A form of succession?
such Vessel Migraine I did not know it was such a violent island
sudden Single Heathens Please don't make any sudden moves
sued Scaled And Icy Good Day Homie just sued me
suffocate Clancy Next Semester I might suffocate
suggest Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands Simply suggest my chest and this confused music
suicide Vessel Migraine 'cause Sundays are my suicide days
sundays Vessel Migraine 'cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays
'cause Sundays are my suicide days
sunshine Scaled And Icy Good Day My sunshine
supposed Regional at Best Forest And you find you're not who you're supposed to be?
Please, remember me. I am supposed to be
This is not what you're supposed to see
surrounding Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You You are surrounding all my surroundings
surroundings Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You You are surrounding all my surroundings
surveillances Scaled And Icy No Chances We spent some weekends on the grind, surveillances outside
suspended Vessel Migraine It's me suspended in a defenseless test
suspense Vessel Migraine It's me defending in suspense
swallowed Clancy Vignette Tunnels cave, visions fade, swallowed by the vignette
swap Trench Neon Gravestones Maybe we swap out what it is that we hold so high
swat Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You Not anymore, flesh out the door, swat
sway Self-Titled Friend, Please You say that you're fine but you have lost your sway and glow
sweet Scaled And Icy Choker Self-sabotage is a sweet romance
swine Regional at Best Be Concerned You are the pearl, I am the swine
swing Regional at Best Forest King of a kingdom or swinging on a swing
swinging Regional at Best Forest King of a kingdom or swinging on a swing
switchblade Scaled And Icy No Chances Flamethrower, you a switchblade
sword Trench Morph For "above" is blind belief and "under" is sword to sleeve
symbol Clancy Overcompensate I said I fly by the dangerous bend symbol
symphony Trench Morph Ones and zeroes, ergo this symphony
synthetic Scaled And Icy Mulberry Street That everybody relies on synthetic highs
system Blurryface Doubt Gnawing on the bishops, claw our way up their system
t Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You T's uncrossed and I's undotted
tank Clancy Oldies Station Future's coming fast, you've got nothing in the tank
Little less concerned when there's nothing in the tank
taunts Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds And the ground taunts my wings
taxi Self-Titled Taxi Cab A beautifully plain taxi cab
tees Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Ride around 270 in Kawasaki tees
teeth Scaled And Icy Never Take It 'cause they keep lying through their fake teeth
When they keep lying through their fake teeth?
temperature Blurryface Doubt Temperature is dropping, temperature is dropping
tempo Blurryface Lane Boy We'd have a tempo change every other time change
tempted Trench Neon Gravestones And, could it be true that some could be tempted
tendencies Clancy Backslide Tendencies on repeat, innit
tending Trench Leave The City Of tending to this fire
tends Scaled And Icy Redecorate Blankets over mirrors, she tends to like it
terms Scaled And Icy No Chances They say they sell the information in those terms of agreement
terrors Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Those night terrors are not something to take lightly
testifying Regional at Best Be Concerned Clearly I am dying, dearly I am writing, merely testifying
thick Trench The Hype But you don't get thick skin without getting burnt
thirteen Scaled And Icy Formidable Fast-forward thirteen years now
thousand Clancy Paladin Strait A route I've mapped a thousand times
threaten Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Do I threaten all your plans?
three-time Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Same amount that I denied, I three-time MVP'd this crime
threshold Single The Line The threshold in store
thrill Trench Smithereens I never look for conflict for the thrill
thumbs Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands We've turned our hands to guns, trade in our thumbs for ammunition
thunder Vessel The Run And Go Cerebral thunder in one-way conversations
thunderstorms Vessel Migraine Thunderstorms, clouds, snow, and a slight drizzle
tidal Vessel Migraine Full of tidal waves, suicidal crazed lions
tidy Scaled And Icy Redecorate Something told him he should look around and tidy up
tilts Blurryface Hometown My shadow tilts its head at me
tiny Self-Titled The Pantaloon Is like a tiny island in the sea of all the people
tip-toeing Trench Pet Cheetah I'm done with tip-toeing, I'll stay in my room
toes Regional at Best Slowtown Just so that my soul won't fall through my toes
toll Self-Titled Fall Away It's taking a toll
tools Self-Titled Air Catcher Tools that can destroy my heart
top Clancy Paladin Strait Climb the top of the tower
torch Self-Titled A Car, A Torch, A Death And then I saw him, torch in hand
It was a little dark so he held a makeshift torch
tormentors Trench Morph If not to run straight through all our tormentors?
tour Clancy Routines In The Night I'll give you the tour, show you why I-
I'll give you the tour, show you why I—
tracing Clancy Paladin Strait Tracing out a line
trade Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands We've turned our hands to guns, trade in our thumbs for ammunition
traditional Scaled And Icy Redecorate Just not the traditional way, yeah
traditions Blurryface Hometown Your traditions, believe me when I say
traffic Regional at Best Slowtown Put cards in our spokes and make our engine sound like traffic
tragedy Clancy Oldies Station Found your capacity for love and tragedy
trampolines Regional at Best Slowtown On trampolines so high, we reach for the sky, but I
transform Blurryface Not Today Without me in it trying to transform it
transmitting Trench Morph Lights they blink to me, transmitting things to me
trapdoor Self-Titled Trapdoor As you watch him fall through a blatant trapdoor
trapped Scaled And Icy Redecorate And he feels trapped when he's not inebriated
treason Regional at Best Lovely Treason now is growing near to me
treat Trench Neon Gravestones Our culture can treat a loss
treatment Scaled And Icy Never Take It When you're the treatment facility?
trial Self-Titled Addict With A Pen My trial was filed as a crazy
tribute Clancy Vignette It's a tribute to zombies of which I've become
trip Clancy Routines In The Night REM cycle skip, night psycho trip
triplets Blurryface Message Man But these are just triplets
trouble Vessel The Run And Go Don't wanna hand you all my trouble
tube Scaled And Icy Never Take It The summer I watched the tube
tune Clancy Oldies Station You learn to tune them out
tunnels Clancy Vignette Tunnels cave, visions fade, swallowed by the vignette
tv Blurryface We Don't Believe What's On T.V. We don't believe what's on TV
twenty-five Clancy Snap Back Fool you once, it's been twenty-five times
twitchin' Clancy Overcompensate I feel like I was just here, same twitchin' in my eyes
uh Blurryface Heavydirtysoul For me, for me, uh
uncertainty Blurryface Doubt Scared of my own ceiling, scared I'll die of uncertainty
uncovered Clancy Backslide Accidentally uncovered a new one yesterday
uncrossed Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You T's uncrossed and I's undotted
undertone Vessel Migraine Life has a hopeful undertone
undotted Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You T's uncrossed and I's undotted
unfolds Regional at Best & Vessel Holding On To You And the story unfolds
uninspire Trench Bandito Like nicknames they give themselves to uninspire
unknown Clancy The Craving (Jenna's Version) 'Cause it's the fear of the unknown
unpack Self-Titled Taxi Cab A cab, had it cleared out back and two men started to unpack
unwind Regional at Best Lovely Flies and cobwebs unwind
upon Scaled And Icy Choker As a shadow cast upon the ground where you'll eventually
upsets Regional at Best & Vessel Guns For Hands 'cause when the sun sets, it upsets what's left of my invested interest
upside Vessel House Of Gold And turned our future upside down
vacation Scaled And Icy Good Day Broke the news on mom's vacation
vanity Blurryface Lane Boy Forget vanity
veins Regional at Best Anathema You will never know what is in my veins
venom Trench Chlorine Venom on my tongue
vertical Vessel Screen Look out below crashing down to the ground just like a vertical locomotive
vibrations Trench Chlorine Poisonous vibrations
view Trench Neon Gravestones Could we give this some room for a new point of view?
vignette Clancy Vignette Clinging to promises, fighting off the vignette
Tunnels cave, visions fade, swallowed by the vignette
violence Vessel Migraine Behind my eyelids are islands of violence
visit Trench Legend I'm sorry I did not visit
visual Clancy Paladin Strait Just a glimpse of visual aid
voicemail Scaled And Icy Bounce Man 'cause this went straight to voicemail
volunteers Scaled And Icy Choker I see no volunteers to co-sign on my fears
warm Vessel Semi-Automatic Under the warm glow of survival of the day
warn Single Heathens I tried to warn you just to stay away
wayside Single Christmas Saves The Year Plans are thrown to the wayside
weak Blurryface Goner Though I'm weak and beaten down
weaponize Scaled And Icy Never Take It They're trying hard to weaponize
wedges Trench Levitate Better test it, wooden wedges under doorways
Keep your wooden wedges under doors
wednesday Scaled And Icy Saturday Not a sound on Wednesday, yeah
weeper Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty weeper
weeping Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds Your weeping will creep in your head and you'll cry
weigh Trench Smithereens I would get messed up, weigh 153
weird Single Heathens You'll have some weird people sitting next to you
well-lit Trench Levitate Sleep in a well-lit room, don't let the shadow through
whatever Clancy Lavish I say whatever and whatever that I want
wheel Regional at Best & Vessel Car Radio I could pull the steering wheel
whisper Single Time To Say Goodbye In the mirror you appear to see fear and whisper this is it
whistles Scaled And Icy Redecorate With the bells and the whistles scaled back
whore Regional at Best & Vessel Ode To Sleep Metaphorically I'm a whore, and that's denial number four
wide Clancy Midwest Indigo That seems to be about as wide as our chances
windshield Clancy Midwest Indigo To scrape the frosted windshield like we're barely scrapin' by
wings Self-Titled Isle Of Flightless Birds And the ground taunts my wings
winter Self-Titled Oh Ms Believer Inside your head than the winter of dead
withstand Scaled And Icy Choker Seems like all I'm worth is what I'm able to withstand
wits Trench Neon Gravestones 'cause your wits are first to go while you're problem-solving
Keep your wits about you while you got 'em
wooden Trench Levitate Better test it, wooden wedges under doorways
Keep your wooden wedges under doors
woods Clancy Vignette Fresh off a binger in the woods, flesh covered in bites
wordless Regional at Best Kitchen Sink Then paint something then, it might be wordless
worse Blurryface Message Man And who I am today is worse than other times
worst Trench Levitate You're the worst, your structure compensates
worthwhile Regional at Best Be Concerned Whether or not it's worthwhile
wow Blurryface The Judge I'm thinking, "wow, I probably should've stayed inside my house"
writer Vessel Migraine I do not have writer's block
My writer just hates the clock
yellow Clancy Next Semester The yellow dashes in the street
yes Self-Titled Friend, Please But I will listen to you all day, yes I will
zack Blurryface Lane Boy If you ask Zack
zeroes Trench Morph Anybody listening? ones and zeroes
Count to infinity, ones and zeroes
Ones and zeroes, ergo this symphony
zs Clancy At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Used to be you and me, matching Kawasaki Zs